

Cara CEPAT Cek BI Checking

Setiap pengajuan kredit ke bank dalam prosesnya mensyaratkan BI Checking

Cara CEPAT Cek BI Checking

Setiap pengajuan kredit ke bank dalam prosesnya mensyaratkan BI Checking. Entah itu mengajukan KTA, KPR, KKB, atupun kartu kredit, BI Checking pasti akan dicek. Sebagai informasi, BI Checking adalah Informasi Debitur Individual (IDI) Historis yang mencatat lancar atau macetnya pembayaran kredit (kolektibilitas). Singkatnya, BI Checking jadi penentu kelayakan calon debitur.Tak sedikit calon debitur yang kecewa karena pengajuan kreditnya ditolak bank gara-gara BI Checking. Seperti yang dialami Siti (23), salah satu karyawan swasta di ibu kota, yang kaget keheranan setelah pengajuan kreditnya ditolak. Siti dengan memasang tampang tidak santai pun bertanya apa sebab pengajuannya sampai ditolak. Ternyata BI Checking lah persoalannya.Begitu mendengar penjelasan dari bank, teringatlah Siti pada tunggakan yang dua bulan lupa dibayarkannya. Supaya BI Checking-nya yang ternoda alias masuk Blacklist BI Checking menjadi bersih kembali, Siti harus melakukan beberapa hal * Cara cek bi checking online* Cara cek bi checking di ojk online* Cara cek bi checking* Cara cek slik ojk online* Jasa membersihkan bi checking* Apakah leasing masuk bi checking* Cara mengecek riwayat kreditEvery credit application to the bank in the process requires BI Checking. Whether it's applying for KTA, KPR, KKB, or credit cards, BI Checking will definitely be checked. For information, BI Checking is a Historical Individual Debtor Information (IDI) that records smooth or credit default payments (collectibility). In short, BI Checking determines the feasibility of prospective debtors.Not a few prospective debtors were disappointed because the credit application was rejected by the bank because of BI Checking. As experienced by Siti (23), one of the private employees in the capital city, who was surprised that his credit application was rejected. Siti, with a non-relaxed look, asked what was the reason for her submission until she was rejected. It turned out that BI Checking was the problem.As soon as he heard the explanation from the bank, he remembered the arrears which he had forgotten to pay for two months. In order for the BI Checking to be stained or BI Checking's Blacklist to be clean again, Siti had to do several things* How to check bi checking online* How to check bi checking in online* How to check bi checking* How to check OJK online* Bi checking cleaning service* Is leasing entered bi checking* How to check credit history