Qanda: Instant Math Helper

Math has never been easier!You are about to download the fastest math solver

Qanda: Instant Math Helper

Math has never been easier!You are about to download the fastest math solver.Take a photo of your questions and get step-by-step explanations from top-school tutors anytime, anywhere. Teachers are waiting for you 24/7!▶ How it worksJust take a picture of a question that you don’t know the answer to.You can get solutions from top-school tutors real-time, or search solutions to the same or similar questions from our AI(Artificial Intelligence) tutor! ▶ Main Features1:1 Q&A : Ask questions directly to tutors from top schools. They will provide detailed explanations until you understand everything about the problem!Instant search engine : Search solutions to your question as well as similar questions - just in 5 seconds! (And yes, this is 100% free!)Smart calculator : Take a picture of simple formula and learn how to solve it with step-by-step instructions!▶ Subject CoverageFor the instant search feature, we only support mathematics at the moment. But don’t worry! If you ask 1:1 questions to your teachers, they will answer your math, science, and engineering questions! ▶ Support & FeedbackIf you have any issues or feedback to improve Qanda, please don’t hesitate to contact us! We are always eager to know what you think and provide the best