BUY IT NOW reseller program.

Rebrand Reprice Resell

Resell advertising solution to local businesses in your area.
Impact your Local Community. Enhance your Business with Local Digital Ads.

Rebrand. Reprice. Resell

Did you know that nearly 90% of small businesses currently use digital advertising mediums to grow their businesses?
Did you know that over 50% of all search engine queries are location related? Mobile device usage is dramatically increasing this number.

Local Businesses, Shops, Restaurants, Spa Salons, Service Providers, Home Improvement Local Businesses, Professionals, Healthcare Providers, Teachers, etc. are constantly growing their ad spendings year after year.

The total revenue that agencies generated from digital advertising in 2019 in US only was $17.5 billion. Entire digital advertising industry including search engines and social media ads at worldwide level is over $350 billion/year. That's how much statistically businesses spend on digital advertising.

Hence, with more local businesses looking to spend on digital advertising, you'll want to offer some sort of advertising services in your area.

Any agency that offers marketing services should consider MyArea white-label reseller program. No matter what aspect of marketing your agency focuses on, local businesses paid advertising is the "top of the stack" that will greatly help local business clients acquire new customers and drive consumers to other pieces of the local business. Local advertising is also one of the easiest areas to provide clear ROI reporting in, as ad spend directly correlates to results like conversions and sales.

What is MyArea white-label reseller program?

MyArea Reseller program is an agreement between you and under which we build, design, publish and maintain a native application in Apple App Store and Android Play Store and a website under your domain name but hosted on our servers. Your website and apps are 100% customized under your brand. We help you apply your logo, icons, your design and colors. You may choose to target a geographical location or a city, plus you may choose to target a specific vertical, ex: doctors, lawyers, fiteness trainers, etc. We help you configure the app to filter the map, filter listings and search results by selected business and service categories. Quick and easily you get a fully functional discovery, explorational and communication platform for your community. We are here to support you from a technical stand point, so that you can focus entirely on marketing and building your community. We host it for you, we maintaing all necessary software updates, hotfixes and bug fixes and we guarantee 99.9% uptime for the entire platform.

Why local business advertising?

Local business advertising is often considered the top of the marketing stack, and a vital service to offer local business clients. Local digital advertising brings that top-of-funnel traffic and attention to all the other marketing tactics the business is carrying out. With more eyes on the business and their offerings and the right eyes your clients will be driving more sales and conversions.

The value of building a local community is huge. Building a local community in your city/village/neighborhood is easy. The word of mouth and local news will spread fast and your website will instantly become well known. You'll get the chance to write your own local news and quickly become a local authority. In fact, communities have been forming, evolving and dying consistently since the beginning of humanity. Building community is part of being human. The fundamentals of how communities form have always been the same. Whether you're building a community for a tribe, a city, a hobby or for a brand, you can use the same social psychology. Read more about how to build a community here.

Myarea Attorneys at law Best credit lines Call Doctors House Cleaners Massage Therapists Private Lessons Shopping Assistants Show Me Around
Show Me Around Shopping Assistants Private Lessons Massage Therapists House Cleaners Call Doctors Best credit lines Attorneys at law Myarea

It's easy and requires little extra work for your agency to offer it Clients instantly see potential, clients are eager to join and it's easy for you to up-sell. Your agency looks great because your clients get outstanding results they attribute to your services. It's a new revenue stream for your agency, as every local business is clamoring to get traction with your solution.

Local Ads convert better. Webmasters running local websites make more money on ads. Web is not global. Geo Targeting is #1 tool for publishers to optimize conversions. Build a geo-targeted website from ground up.

With MyArea white-label Publisher Website and Apps Solution, you can offer clients advertising solutions that drive real results to their business. Your clients get results, you get new revenue, it's a win-win.

Integrate Booking Engines and Local Product Sales.

Put booking links on your Neighborhood Guide Website. Help local businesses increase bookings through your website and earn booking commissions. Integrate with local product offerings, then start selling more products while increasing engagement.

Create a Show Me Around City Guide App.

The main purpose defined behind developing a city guide app is offering comprehensive and up-to-date information to not only the tourists but even the local residents of the city. This information would include everything such as the main tourist attractions, the places of sightseeing, amusement parks and their timings, malls, shopping areas, hotels, restaurants, cafeterias etc. In addition, you also get to know about the popular modes of local transport and conveyances, their fares and proper timings. You also get familiar with the major cultural events or any other celebration occurring around the city. In addition, individual people can register as Show Me Arounders, to offer their services as local city guides. There is always a good idea to hire a local Show Me Arounder to exprience the place like a local.

myarea Mobile App

Create a Professional Directory App

Find Doctors, Find Electricians, Best House Cleaners, Baby Sitters, Pet Sitters, Home Improments, Remodeling, Learn a Foreign Language Online Classes, Private Lessons, Attorney At Law Directory... Find a niche you want to focus on and develop a local guide to find professionals in your city.

myarea Mobile App
More international

For each of your markets.

Publisher website can be easily localized. Use up to 6 languages to translate your site. Set up the default language.

If localization is enabled, a language switch will be displayed at the bottom of your website. You do all the translation yourself.

What's included:

  • Search Engine Search Engine. Find by keywords.
  • Browse Local Area Map Browse Local Area Map
  • 5 Star Rates & Review 5 Star Rates & Reviews
  • Find My Matches in proximity Find My Matches in proximity
  • Add Events, Beaming Signals on Map Add Events, Beaming Signals on Map
  • Sell Event Tickets Sell Event Tickets
  • Create Incidents and Help Requests Create Incidents and Help Requests
  • Video Calls from web and in-app Video Calls from web and in-app
  • Unlimited Private messages Unlimited Private messages
  • Pictures and Video messages Pictures and Video messages
  • Unlimited Public Group Chats Unlimited Public Group Chats
  • Unlimited Pay-Per-Minute Calls Unlimited Pay-Per-Minute Calls
  • Unlimited Pay-Per-Minute Chats Unlimited Pay-Per-Minute Chats
  • Booking as XApp extension Booking as XApp extension

Use your own domain OR use a free subdomain:


Myarea app icon

iOS App in AppStore

Myarea app icon

Android App in PlayStore

Limited time offer!

$8400 + $700/mo


website setup & app store deploy
+$4800/year hosting/maintenance

Secure credit card payment
This is a secure 128-bit SSL encrypted payment