Q-Skills3D Personal Quality Training


Q-Skills3D Personal Version. PROMO OPEN NOW.Q-Skills3D teaches the fundamentals of Continuous Improvement and Lean needed to improve quality in the workplace. It uses interactive 3D games and exercises, to motivate and engage learners. Q-Skills3D is perfect for new hires, to revitalize a quality program for all employees, to bring life to classroom training, as pre-classroom training, or for review. Q-Skills3D games, examples and exercises are generic and are designed to be able to be used by all employees in any department in any industry.Q-Skills3D is the world’s first full 3D quality learning package, using 40 different 3D scenes. It makes old style 2D "page turning" e-learning look like something from the Stone Age. It is the only quality training available as a mobile app and on PC.Q-Skills3D may be used as part of a Continuous Improvement; Quality Improvement; Lean Six Sigma; Lean; Business Process Improvement; Six Sigma; TQM or Professor Deming based program.Q-Skills3D has about 8 hours self paced learning and is equivalent to a 2 day classroom course. Q-Skills3D is available on Android mobile, Apple mobile, PC standalone or network install, and PC web browser."Q-Skills3D Personal" is a full course in Lean / Lean Six Sigma / Continuous Improvement fundamentals. It may be used as a trial prior to a company investing in Q-Skills3D Corporate. Q-Skills3D Personal does not include a user logon and does not store data. A free Q-Skills3D demonstration is also available on Google Play.Why pay over $1000 per person, for "chalk and talk", or boring "page turning" e-learning in Lean Six Sigma? A telco’s 500 user survey of Q-Skills showed 96% preferred our self paced to classroom training and 79% said they used the material daily. We provide the world's best quality training, affordable for all employees.Quality is for everyone. Q-Skills3D makes learning fun and easy.Installation.It is suggested that a device with 5 inch or greater screen be used.Requires Android 4.1 or later.Uninstall the previous version before installing this upgrade.

1 Crown Road, London, England, United Kingdom
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