Yodo - Cash for walking & running


Yodo is a free sports and health management app that accurately records your running, walking, hiking, etc. Yodo use gamification and a lot of cash rewards to help you develop a good habit to love sports. As long as you complete your exercise goals every day, you can receive random cash rewards every day. There is no limit on the number of days you can receive cash rewards! You can also get cash rewards by sharing your sports history or by inviting your friends to download Yodo! Cash rewards can be withdrawn in a variety of ways.Now you can easily log in to Yodo by phone number or social accounts like Facebook, ins, google. start falling in love with sports now!The main features of Yodo:1. Real-time pedometer: The leading step-by-step algorithm that records every step of your life! At the same time, you can also view historical data by day, month or year.2. Running record: Provide global GPS positioning, accurately record your trajectory, mileage, pace, time, calories and other information, and also quantify your health.3. Cash Reward: You can get cash rewards by completing your sports goals, sharing your sports records, or inviting your friends. The rewards are not capped, you can also withdraw it in cash!

401 Park Road North, Hastings
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