Blood Wallet - Chakhan Coin Bloodland


Chakhan Coin Blood, store Blood in your pocket safe and easy. Blood Coin, world first human-oriented crypto currency, and one source multi-chain made with its own block chain technology. With mobile wallet, it is easier to manage my Blood anywhere.■ One Source Multi-Chain Technology!- One source multi-chain made with its own block chain technology.- It is updatable to the growth of the future technology. ■ Enhance security by safe Freezed Wallet!- Developed world first Thunder Node technology. - Using Freezed Wallet, Blood Coin can be safely stored. ■ Google OTP applied to reflect double security policy. - Valuable Blood assets can be double secured by Google OTP.- Easy termination through mobile phone or QR code authentication.■ Chakhan Coin Blood Wallet Functions: - Check the balance of the Blood in my wallet. - Create Freezed Wallet and Unfreezing- Check transfer and transaction history - QR code recognition function: (You must allow the camera to operate.)■ Other Notification:- Available in both Wi-Fi and data network environments, but data charges may be occurred without an unlimited fee system. - For reliable application use, we recommend that you use our application in a place where the internet connection is good. - If you have any other questions, please contact us at the following email. Contact Us : support@blood.landIf you would like to check out the Chakhan Coin Blood web wallet site, please click on the link below.

Bloodland Cemetery, Piney Township, MO, USA
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