Quechua Camp


We are delighted to present (FINALLY!!!) the update of your essential camping application: Quechua Camp.At Quechua, we offer two ranges of tents:- Nature Hiking tents: spacious tents designed for 4 to 8 people offering optimal comfort.- Mountain Hiking tents: compact tents designed for 2 to 3 people in mobile camps.Thanks to this application, you can find all our videos of set-up, fold-up and demo on our tents, shelters and small shelters. The advantage is that you can add your products as favorites so you can easily find them, and most importantly, consult them offline. Pretty convenient when you're in the middle of nowhere and you don't have a network!We have also integrated a contact page to allow you to ask your questions, report anomalies, or simply share your best moments with us. Do not hesitate, we would be delighted!See you soon in camping or in the middle of nature :)!

4 Boulevard de Mons, Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France
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