An Annotated Bible - Arno Gaebelein


Arno C. Gaebelein was a passionate evangelist, author, journalist, and Bible expositor. He proclaimed the prophetic truths of the Bible and daily lived with the hope of them being fulfilled. He was born in Germany in 1861, and emigrated to the United States in 1879 to avoid compulsory military service. He settled in Massachusetts and began to work in a local mill. He soon began attending worship services at a Methodist fellowship and in 1881 became an assistant to a pastor in New York City. In 1881, Gaebelein became a supply preacher in a mission in Connecticut, and then in 1882 he was assigned to a congregation in Baltimore. In though he had no college or seminary training, Gaebelein fervently studied and mastered Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac, and Arabic.In 1884 Gaebelein was ordained a deacon and moved to New York City. There he got married in 1885 and was ordained as an elder in 1886. He moved to a congregation in New Jersey in 1887 where he began to preach in a Jewish mission and developed a passion for Jewish evangelism. In 1891, Gaebelein requested that his denomination appoint him to work full-time among Jewish immigrants, and in 1893 he began the publication of Tiqweth Israel--The Hope of Israel Monthly.Around 1900 his focus began to shifted from Jewish evangelism to a Bible teaching and conference ministry. In the years between 1900 and 1915 his reputation as a Bible teacher and his prominence grew significantly. In 1901 he was asked to help publish a study Bible.In 1937 he sailed to Germany to witness first-hand the Nazi regime, and he denounced it continuously in print. In 1944 and 1945, Gaebelein rejoiced in Hitler's fall although he was to die on Christmas Day, 1945.Gaebelein brings his brilliance and dedication to the Bible to this commentary, a life-time of work.This app is linked to the World English Bible and includes an audio option.

John H Woodson Junior High School, United States Virgin Islands
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