Wonderland : Peter Pan


Wonderland is a magical game where you create your own fairytale adventure and play out stories you create. Peter Pan, Wendy, Captain hook and the lost kids are ready for a new adventure. Explore the lost kid's tree house, visit the pirate's ship and discover hidden treasures. Filled with lots of new characters and locations this game will connect to other Wonderland games making your fairytale bigger than ever!FEATURES* New Characters - Peter Pan, Wendy, Tinkerbell and many more fun characters are waiting for you.* 5 locations such as Pirates Cove, The Watchtower and captain hooks pirate ship. * Game connects to our other Wonderland story making games giving you even more exciting options to play.* Multitouch so kids can play together on the same screen!* Discover how to reach the pirate's hidden treasures.* Can you find all the fairies hiding around the tree house?If you can imagine it, you can make it. Everything is possible in Wonderland : Peter pan adventures!**To connect the game to other games make sure to1. Have your apps downloaded on the device2.Update your Wonderland gamesRECOMMENDED AGE GROUPThis game is perfect for Kids 4 -12, the game promotes creative thinking, imaginative gameplay and endless role-playing game time. Wonderland games are safe to play even when parents are out of the room. We have No Ads, No 3rd Party Ads, and no IAP. ABOUT MY TOWN GAMES STUDIOThe My Town Games studio designs digital dollhouse-like games that promote creativity and open-ended play for your children all over the world. Loved by children and parents alike, My Town games introduce environments and experiences for hours of imaginative play. The company has offices in Israel, Spain, Romania and the Philippines. For more information, please visit www.my-town.com

Olive Leaf, Israel
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