

YOUR MORE COLORFUL, POWERFUL, PERSONAL TRAINER.Coach By Color Power workouts for the IC7 Indoor Cycle - endorsed by pro athletes and designed by ICG Master Trainers - to take your training to the max.ICG® training app users can select, customize and even share workouts between friends. These same, intuitive features have been designed to empower personal trainers to send workouts to their clients, and group instructors to create or select routines, sync music and playback in their classes. Providing your members with powerful workouts has never been so easy.• Select workouts by fitness goal, sport activity or specialist program• Color Match - it's the easiest way to train with Power, and guarantees results• Be the motivator and the motivated by customizing workouts and sharing with friends• Record efforts and screen results by launching the activity camera• Share workout activity on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram• Personal Trainer? Build and send workouts to your clients to keep them on track• Group Instructor? Make life easier, select ready-to-go workouts or create and store all your routines with synced music on one devise

Joachimsthaler Straße 15, Berlin, Germany
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