Baby Musician


Jump start your child's musical talent while having fun filled times with Baby Musician. Baby Musician is a fun learning tool and game in one. Let your child become a conductor for a group of talented and cute animal musicians, play a variety of musical instruments and soothing nursery rhymes to boost his/her musical talent and teach him/her the names and sounds that musical instruments make through flash cards. A great blend of cute graphics, jolly tunes with added educational value, Baby Musician is a must have app for parents and the budding musician in their children A variety of tunes included: ◦ London Bridge is Falling Down ◦ Jingle Bells ◦ Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star ◦ Hickory Dickory Duck ◦ Three Blind Mice P.S. Lite version offers one tune.

100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong S.A.R.
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