Bahá’í, Lights of Guidance


Lights of Guidance is a widely used reference book and compilation of letters and Writings covering the Bahá’í perspective on most issues. Lights of Guidance was compiled by Helen Bassett Hornby and published first in April 1983. Within the book, major areas covered are listed alphabetically, within each major section are sub-divisions, such as Local Spiritual Assemblies, Annual Conventions, etc. The 1988 edition of the book, for example, lists 2163 letters and notes at the front, making it easier to find particular items in the main body of the book. The 1988 edition consists of 640 pages. Further information on the Baha'i Faith can be found here:*** If you have ideas or you find a problem, please send me an email, see contact below.

Zum Alten Gehege 5, Germany
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