Day Rhythm (Lite)


Day Rhythm displays the following times for both the current day and the following day:- Sunrise Time - When sun appears on the horizon.- Solar Noon - When the sun is at the highest point.- Sunset Time - When the sun disappears on the horizon.All times are displayed according to your geo-location for improved accuracy.The aim of this app, is for those who wish to plan their days naturally - back to our primal origins when we were timed our activities according to the position of the sun. This also allows us to be in touch with our natural rhythm of peak energy.To further help you plan your natural day, a Circadian Rhythm clock is also included in the app. This serves as a guide for most people of when their body goes through different phases, and can help you to time when you would be the best time for you to plan certain activities. The Circadian Rhythm clock includes the following milestones in a day:- Blood Pressure & Body Temp. (High & Low)- Deepest Sleep- Melatonin Secretion- Increased Testosterone- High Alertness- Best Coordination- Fastest Reaction Time- Improved Muscle & Cardiovascular The exact timings of these change day-to-day keeping in line with the sun's position.The design of the app, was to keep everything available on a single screen, so it is simple to use.

27 Balmoral Road, Singapore, Singapore
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