

Fluid allows people to analyze and trade financial instruments in different exchanges. View real-time market data, analyze market and instruments with easy-to-follow tools, place orders with a few taps, and evaluate your portfolio and useful stats. It helps people Trading & Brokerage.Features:- # Get real-time market data at blazing fast speed # Create personalized marketwatch list # Get search suggestions as you type instrument name # Find hot stocks with market screener # Analyze instruments with market depth and news # Real time charts with multi time frame conversion,technical indicators,drawing tools # Place orders in NSE Cash, NSE FO, NSE CDS ,BSE Cash # Place market, limit, stop loss, cover and after-market, day and IOC orders # Get notifications for order execution and price alerts # Exit positions at right time with price alerts # Convert and square-off positions # Transfer funds to your account

D Block, Sector 36 Park, Noida, India
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