Kruger and Bushveld trees, shrubs and wild flowers


Field guide of some of the plants found in the Kruger National Park and surrounding Bushveld. The objective is to enable any person to identify plants using a unique multi-access identification key which allows a user to freely choose which characteristic to use for identification. - 623 plant species- 1387 photos - Various methods are used to help identify plants:-Unique "clever species search / identification" tool – just select the characteristics which you are sure about. -A map tap/ or GPS location to retrieve species known for a given location (Geo-filter): This algorithm will search all species known in a 4 km radius from your point of interest, if noting found it will use a 8 km search radius, there after a 16 km radius. If noting found it will retrieve species known to occur within the particular vegetation type. -The geo-filter can be used in combination with the interactive multi-access identification key.- completely off-line app- Do botanical surveys or checklists. - Just switch on your GPS if you would like to create a checklist which can be exported for research or other purposes:-Checklist are pre-loaded with all southern Africa plants +- 24 000 species-Functionality to add your own species-Export sightings checklist as SQLite database, to be used in QGIS or any other SQLite viewer, also to be imported after new updates.-The checklist also maintains a worklist of species. The species that you add for a given area will be remembered which can be easily recalled to be added to your checklist (tap and add). Ideal for research plots, transect surveys and general checklist making.

57 Kruger Street, Balfour
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