The Art of Communication


Develop and Maximise your Communication and Leadership Skills. If you want to succeed on all levels in today’s business world, excellent communication skills are absolutely vital. The Art of Comms app provides the perfect platform for you to be part of a dynamic, professional learning and sharing community, created by you, your colleagues and your friends.The app is designed to help you prepare and rehearse for presentations, meetings, speeches and job interviews, and receive feedback, in just three simple steps...1: Use the camera or mic within the app to film or record yourself rehearsing.2: Choose who you want to share your video or audio file with.3: Receive peer review based on the Art of Comms evaluation framework.This will give you invaluable feedback to help you deliver with confidence, style and passion on the day.You can also...* Share a video of a presentation you have already delivered, so the reviews will help you be even better next time.* Choose to receive a review from a professional coach on our team.With interactive, professional video tutorials that guide you through the techniques, methodologies and physical exercises for you to do on a regular basis, the app will get you fit in the arena of communication. Once you become fit, you will always be in a state of ready, just like a top athlete, the disciplined training reaps great results. Being an excellent communicator all the time, in all settings, is our goal and vision for you.Create your user profile and invite your connections. Build your learning and sharing community.Film or record yourself in the app and choose who you want to share it with to receive peer reviews.You can also receive a professional review with four options to choose from...* Certified Rating of your video or audio file from one of our Certified Coaches.* Video Review. One of our Master Coaches will record a personal video review of your video or audio file. This also includes a rating.* Written Review of your video or audio file from one of our Master Coaches.* Combined Package of Video and Written Review from one of our Master Coaches.Discover more about your strengths and challenges as your reviewers share their comments, thoughts and observations with you, using the Art of Comms evaluation framework, of four key categories...*Message Clarity*Voice*Body Language*Gift of YouAs a complete package, with the interactive video tutorials, the Art of Comms app provides a real opportunity to make powerful and visible changes to your style. It will provide you with the physical techniques to communicate effectively and the tools to analyse and understand the requirements of your audience. It will help you strike the right chord with maximum impact.Whether you are...Delivering a key message one to one, to a team, to the board, or to stakeholders,Pitching to potential clients for that crucial contract,Launching a start-up, new product or service,Being interviewed for a new job or a promotion, orPresenting at a conference or live event...People need to be convinced by what you are saying.There is no such thing as information need to persuade people that your information is accurate and that it matters.This is achieved by the winning combination of the right content and the right delivery.The message and the messenger.

Paypac Payroll Services, West Perth, WA, Australia
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