Medisana Bodytoner


Description of the MEDISANA Bodytoner AppThe MEDISANA Bodytoner App, when used in combination with the Medisana Bodytoner, has a broad range of functions.Different user accounts can be saved with their individual settings. The areas of application are diverse: the shoulder and neck, the back, the waist and the arms and legs can be treated. Five different programmes are available in the main menu for this purpose: tapping massage, shiatsu massage, pressure massage, kneading massage or an automatic selection of individual programmes. The intensity can be set individually over 7 levels. Treatment duration can be preset thanks to the convenient timer function.The app also provides clear statistics to keep an overview of the treatment sessions previously conducted.> 5 different application programmes for the waist, shoulder and neck, back, limbs> 7 intensity levels to choose from> different user accounts can be saved with individual settings (name, age, height, weight, gender)> With timer functionDescription of the MEDISANA BodytonerThe MEDISANA Bodytoner is a simple and mobile method of relaxing certain muscle groups or of stimulatingthem - for example, as a procedure accompanying training. Parts of the body that are particularly stressed, suchas the shoulder and neck or the arms and legs can be treated in a very targeted manner with the local action ofthe self-adhesive electrodes. The Bodytoner massage is controlled by an app from the smartphone. Various massageprogrammes and intensity levels as well as timer and statistical functions can be selected. The Bodytoner isthe ideal ‘Massage to go’, it fits even in the smallest bag.

Jagenbergstraße 19, Neuss, Germany
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