Red Man - Offline CentOS Man Pages


How is Red Man different from other man pages (Linux) apps?- It includes all current manual pages from CentOS Linux 7.5. It should be the same as its upstream source - Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).- All content is already in the app, available offline without any additional download. This includes manual pages base/updates/extras and EPEL repositories. That's over 21 500 manual pages.- No permissions, no ads, no paid or pro versions- Pages optimized for single column reading on phones without unnecessary scrolling to side- Automatic save/restore last reading position within page- Links between man pages- Option to view man page of a random (user/admin) command- Unlike other apps, Red Man includes manual pages like: systemd, firewalld, NetworkManager, git, tmux etc.Feedback is welcome!

631 Na Libuši, Bechyně
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