Armenian Holidays & Traditions - Origins & Recipes


“Why is Armenian Christmas celebrated on January 6?” Find answers to this and more as you celebrate a year of Armenian customs, heritage, food and culture. This app features a full calendar year of the most popular holidays celebrated by the Armenian church and people around the world. From the old to the new, each entry offers information about the origins and significance of the holiday and provides commonly used expressions, greetings, poems and songs. For a fuller experience, get everyone together and enjoy Armenian cuisine by preparing traditional recipes included for each occasion. This app is a fun and easy way to keep traditions alive from one generation to the next.FEATURES - Celebrate thirty-one (31) holidays in Armenian tradition, with more to come- Turn on your notifications to receive alerts for each holiday - Read curated information about origins and significance - Learn expressions and Armenian sayings for specific occasions - Enjoy holiday specific Armenian recipes to prepare with family and friends- Explore and observe holiday customs and traditions - Sync the app with your calendarABOUT THE DEVELOPERS The Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) is the world's largest non-profit organization devoted to preserving and promoting the Armenian identity and heritage through educational, cultural and humanitarian programs. CODICS is a one-of-a-kind software production company that believes there is a story behind each code. NOTICE This app contains links (internet connection necessary). Update annually to be able to sync holiday calendar dates for a given year.

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