Stress Less Cards


Do you want to experience less stress and more life? Get into the right headspace and calm your nerves with the help of the Stress Less Cards. Make easy, stress and anxiety relief exercises amidst your busy everyday life. Soothe, keep calm and start your first 5 exercises right away without registration.FEATURES• 50 soothing, stress and anxiety relief exercises that make use of Mindfulness, NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) and other efficient stress management techniques.• 28 exercises with spoken guidance (guided meditation) with an option for relaxing music.• 10 minutes or shorter guided audio exercises for your stress management.• Keep calm and surprise yourself with a random exercise.• Reduce anxiety with your favorite exercises by using mindfulness and guided meditations.• Soothe, calm your nerves and get some headspace by creating reminders to relieve the stress and anxiety on a regular basis.The diverse exercises of the Stress Less Cards app are already used by many doctors in occupational health care, psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists and trainers. Get rid of anxiousness with Stress Less Cards!Ideal for:• Stress and anxiety relief with guided meditations• Soothing voice guidance that helps to calm down and relax• Stress reduction for a better sleep• Feel better by reducing mental and emotional strainThe stress and anxiety management exercises are divided into six categories: noticing your body, breathing, watching and observing, awakening positive emotions, visualization, and conscious action.Please feel free to contact us with your feedback or suggestions at We love to hear from you!Follow us on: Facebook: leave a review if you like our app. Thanks!

Lammassaari 3, Finland
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