Fishing Knots Pro


"Fishing Knots" - is a program for your mobile device, showing how to tie knots.Among the many knots fisherman should select and use the right one. In each case - his own. How the knot weakens the fishing line? Which knots to use for thin fishing lines, and which - for thick? Which knots can be knit on multifilament fishing line?The encyclopedia contains different type of knots for: binding of two fishing lines; tying leads; attach large and small hooks, baits, lures, swivels; connection fishing lines and the binding cord; tie a boat and etc.; For each knot, tying methods is described in detail. Also description of each knot contains step-by-step guide "How to tie" with illustrations.Describes in detail the properties of knots. The estimation of the strength reduction for each knot. For each knot provides recommendations for types of fishing lines.The application can also work without the Internet, all the nodes are loaded during installation.Selected knots are simple and clear three-dimensional scheme - this is the app "Fishing knots".Here are a few reasons to install into your device "Fishing Knots": ✔ The maximum number of knotes used by fishermen; ✔ Graphics extensively tested for intelligibility; ✔ The application can run without an Internet connection; ✔ Easy to use interface - this is not a website page with a bunch of useless information at the edges; ✔ Knots are clearly defined by categories; ✔ Each record contain relative knot strength - the breaking strength of a knotted rope in proportion to the breaking strength of the rope without the knot; ✔ It is always being updated, refined and increasing.

2 с2 улица Большая Полянка, Moscow, Russia
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