Frontier Mobile


Frontier Mobile is an application designed to work with DH Systems' Frontier Dismantling and Salvage desktop and server software. It can be used to take photos of vehicles, parts, tyres, and wheels that you have in Salvage and Dismantling. Once photos have been taken, they are automatically uploaded to your Frontier server and added to the items in the database.Frontier Mobile *only* works with the new .NET version of Frontier. If you are on the older VB6 version, you can use Frontier Imager, and Frontier Yard, which are also available from the Play Store.Frontier Mobile builds on the success of our Frontier Imager, Yard, and Stocks software, incorporating new features including:- compatibility with Honeywell Dolphin 70e Black in-built barcode scanner- now handles vehicles, parts, kit parts, NCS parts, tyres, and wheels- stock control features, replacing the Memor-based Frontier Stores- on-car parts adding- add tyres and wheels- take videos of vehicles- vehicle searching, imaging and re-location- new layout- new webservices- only for Android 4.0+Contact DH Systems for details on how to use this software and to install the server software required for this app.

41 Corstorphine Road, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
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