SpotOn Business Kiosk Sidekick


The SpotOn Business Kiosk Companion is the easy-to-use interface supplemental to the SpotOn Business Kiosk. SpotOn helps businesses conveniently build loyalty and grow their revenue by closing the loop from marketing to purchase to ROI. By rewarding customers for each purchase they make, merchants seamlessly encourage repeat visits. As customers redeem marketing deals and promotions, ROI data allows merchants to learn what their customers want, what drives repeat visits, and who is buying what, when. This app is supplemental to the SpotOn Business Kiosk and cannot be used without it. It is only for business owners who have a SpotOn account. This is not a consumer app.The SpotOn Business Kiosk Companion allows merchants to:View check-ins;See how many Spots a customer has available for use;Remind customers in real time if they have deals or rewards waiting for them;Prompt customers to return when they are approaching a reward threshold;Monitor the ROI on every marketing deal and leverage the data for future promotions;Choose to reward customers based upon how much they spend or how often they visit.

Blick Art Materials, San Francisco, CA, USA
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