

MUSE IS YOUR PERSONAL MEDITATION ASSISTANT™Muse app is used in conjunction with Muse: The Brain Sensing Headband - available at - make sure your headband is fully charged before first use.Learn to meditate and improve your meditation practice with Muse: The Brain Sensing Headband. While you meditate Muse uses brain sensing technology to determine whether your mind is calm or active and translates those signals into guiding sounds that you select. Choose from soundscapes that include a beach, rainforest, a desert or even ambient music. When your mind is wandering the sounds intensify and when you're calm you'll hear peaceful sounds. After your session review your data, set goals and build a deeply rewarding meditation practice.Muse headband can be found at leading retailers including Best Buy and Amazon as well as direct from FEATURES* helpful guidance in every session* easy to understand results* track your progress over the long term* feel a difference in only three minutes a dayIN THE NEWSNew York Times"It's the gift of a sound mind."The Financial Post"Muse [is a] fashion-friendly headband device designed to help calm hyperactive minds and improve concentration."Wall Street Journal Europe"This is the stuff of the future"The Huffington Post"The beautiful headband that will (read your mind and) make you smarter"Engadget"Flexible and surprisingly comfortable"Inc."Muse is a powerful tool to help your meditation practice whether you're a novice or experienced."Trend Hunter"The world just got a little bit better" VISIT US: http://www.choosemuse.comFOLLOW US: US:

555 Richmond Street West, Toronto, ON, Canada
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