Thermal Materia Medica


This app "Thermal Materia Medica" has added thermals of large number of medicines, which previously were not given, and thus it is of great advantage in reaching to a correct similimum by widening the scope for selection. This app is explaining total 284 thermal remedies. Except Dr. Gibson Miller nobody worked on thermal sensation in a depth. While doing the study of miasmatic strength of remedies, I came to the conclusion that each and every remedy is containing all four miasms that is Psora-Sycosis-Tubercular-Syphilis. I did not find any incomplete remedy, any single or double misam remedies. That’s why we can say that any remedy is a mixture of all four miasms. Therefore every remedy is having a definite thermal strength and unless and until the prover does not prove these thermal sensations, it will not be a complete homoeopathic remedy to cure the patients. Strangely, today practitioners are using some fantastic new remedies that neither expresses any thermal modalities and sensations, nor any miasmatic strength which are necessary to be proved on human body & mind. These incomplete homoeopathic remedies are not reliable.

Symphony C Range Hills Road, Pune, India
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