Hypo Program


The Hypo Program is the world's first and only structured education program focused on improving hypoglycemia awareness. The Hypo Program has personalised streams for:* Patients with insulin-treated diabetes* Parents of children with type 1 diabetes* Teachers of children with type 1 diabetes* Healthcare ProfessionalsGET STARTEDTo get started, simply download the Hypo Program app and choose your stream.EDUCATIONImmerse yourself in learning with over 20 hours of structured education personalised to your goals and program stream. CPD points are being confirmed for Healthcare Professionals and Teachers.RESOURCESExplore a personalised library of over 20 resources tailored to your goals and stream.CHECK-INSAnswer the formative assessments at the end of each module to reflect upon, and reinforce your learning. Take part in regular check-ins to assess your hypoglycemia awareness and monitor hypoglycemic episodes.Your data is helping reshape the understanding of hypoglycemia and its burden. After 6 months of completing the program:* 88% of patients with diabetes report improved hypoglycemia awareness* 88% of patients with diabetes confirm that they understand the rules/regulations around driving and hypoglycemia* 2 in 3 patients with diabetes report experiencing fewer severe hypoglycemia episodes, saving the NHS over £3.1 million GBP in ambulance callouts aloneGET YOUR HYPO PROGRAM CERTIFICATEReceive your exclusive Hypo Program Completion Certificate on finishing the Hypo Program. To get your Hypo Program Completion Certificate, complete all modules and score 100% to become a Verified Hypo Ninja.SUPPORTAccess the Hypo Program from anywhere at any time on the web at HypoProgram.com or the native Android mobile app. Send your feedback at any time through the app and receive a response within 48 business hours.The Hypo Program is a DDM solution made freely available through a partnership with Novo Nordisk. The module ‘Keeping hypos on track’ was created under the direction of Novo Nordisk.

Technology House, Coventry, England, United Kingdom
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