

Anglonas is a fast and easy to use English-Lithuanian and Lithuanian-English dictionary app.Anglonas app uses a well-known dictionary compiled by Bronislovas Piesarskas back in 2005. Since then, the dictionary is constantly being updated with the latest definitions of words and phrases.Anglonas was created by a Lithuanian company "Fotonija" which has been in the dictionary making business since 1991. The company has produced other famous language-learning software products, namely "Alkonas", "Anglonas", "Frankonas", "Juodos avys" and others.Features:• 118,000+ English words and phrases• 130,000+ Lithuanian words and phrases• Quick definition preview• Samples of word or phrase usage• Pronunciation guides in International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)• Bookmarks• Word history• Works offline *• Fast and simple user interface• No ads• Integrated with text sharing facilities for translating words and phrases from other applications• Integrated with Quick Search Box for translating words and phrases using the system-wide search field *** Internet connection is used only for verifying an application's license.** Quick Search Box integration works only in supported devices.

27 Elnių g, Vilnius, Lithuania
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