AppEase - SVUH Pain Guidelines


Access to Medical Information at the point of care is critical in ensuring safe and effective medical practices. Medical eGuides(MEG) apps provide a way for clinicians to deliver their guidelines, protocols and clinical practice guides to staff members on their own mobile devices. Access to this information at the point of care provides immediate guidance and helps to improve patient outcomes.The Appease app is maintained by the acute pain specialists in St.Vincents University Hospital. It's primary purpose is to provide assistance to our multidisciplinary staff during their time with us. The content is designed specifically for use within the critical care service in St.Vincents University Hospital, we cannot take responsibility for the application of the content or its use outside the Hospital. Information is updated regularly and all efforts are made to ensure the content is as accurate as possible.Contact the acute pain specialists for username and password details. Features of the app include: • Hospital specific pain guidelines• Excellent design and easy navigation• Prescribing guidelines• Well illustrated algorithms and tables• Searchable contentFor more information on the MEG system contact MedicaleGuides through the developer links

Fuarawn River, Ireland
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