House Warming Party Invitation Card Maker


In life all have dreams, Dreams to achieve big things in life. A dream house is no exception. After achieving, one keen to celebrate.The best idea to celebrate with the guest is by inviting them. With customized digital invitation card designed mainly for the event. This app makes thing convenient for you.Let’s discuss the features of the app.- Many options to select template which you love most. - Sticker to choose with zoom, rotate, flip and drag option- Write your own invitation wordings or alter the given house warming invitation words.- Customize your context with colors and font types - Add Creative filters to your invitation card - Created card will be save into the personalized gallery, you can edit it later - Share created card via social platformsHappy Living! & Cheers your happiness by throw awesome house warming party.

AMA - Ahmedabad Management Association, Ahmadābād, India
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