Bio Essence Member


Shop more than hundreds of quality products at great prices directly from Bio essence Club.Download now to enjoy mobile app exclusive offer and deals!Now UPDATED with fast loading app to serve you better!What Bio essence Club app can do? - Easily access to latest offers- Connect to our YouTube channel to watch our latest videos- Connect to your member login- More exciting features coming soon!Feedback & SupportPlease contact us through our website contact form or call our customer care line.About Bio essenceBio-essence has always been on the forefront of innovation in developing effective new products that serves consumers’ needs of achieving and maintaining gorgeous, healthy skin. Housing copious ranges and more than 100 products, Bio-essence has expanded from the local market into countries like Malaysia, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Australia and the UK. The brand has won multiple accolades under its name such as owning the title of the No. 1 Face Lifting Cream since 2004*, No. 1 skincare brand in Watsons as well as clinching multiple beauty awards, the latest being the 2014 Cleo Clear Skin Awards and the 2014 Her World Beauty Awards, as voted and reviewed by skincare experts, readers and beauty editors. Bio-essence’s confidence in its product efficacies has led to its unique trademark in holding numerous public mega challenges, each involving more than 100 people challenging and proving its product claims and witnessing genuine results with unanimous agreement across Asia.*According to AC Nielsen report

27 Balmoral Road, Singapore, Singapore
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