Catholic Prayers and Supplications


A Collection of Catholic Prayers and Prayer Supplications.Features:1) Offline collection of Catholic Prayers - A collection of Catholic prayers. Including basic Catholic prayers, Holy Rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Novenas, Litanies, Station of the Cross, and More.2) Online Prayer Supplication - Share your prayers requests/intentions with us and our readers.Tags:Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church, Catholic ,Prayers, Christian, Novenas, Mary, Marian, Litany, God, Lord, Yahweh, Saints, Mass ,Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Deliverance, Protection, Mass, Station of the Cross, Luminous Mystery, Glorious Mystery, Joyful Mystery, Sorrowful Mystery, Family Prayers, Prayer Request, Prayer voard, Intentions, Intercession, supplications.

112 Embarcadero, Morro Bay, CA, USA
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