Coin Crypto Wallet


Coin is a free Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Ripple, Stellar, EOS and Ethereum wallet with ERC20 token support, which you can use to make worldwide payments for free. Complete control of your finances for your Android mobile phone. Take your Bitcoins with you on your phone.It’s cheap. It’s transferable. It’s fast. It’s not owned by a company. It’s secure. Be your own bank with Coin. -----Features--------- Get started in seconds and access your wallet from any device: app or web.--- Send and receive bitcoins.--- Secure passphrase generation (your master private key), no one else can access your Coin.Space wallet.--- Each transaction generates a new address in the BIP32 tree, for maximum privacy.--- Support for Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Ripple, Stellar, EOS and Ethereum.--- Quickly scanning a QR-code.--- Use the geo-location feature (Mecto) for transactions with nearby users. Mecto never displays your exact location on a map to other users. Instead, you simply appear on a list if the person searching for you is within the same area.--- Single-tap balance conversion into your chosen fiat currency.--- Supports Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ripple, Stellar, EOS, Ethereum, and Litecoin. All ERC20 tokens.Coin free wallet makes paying with bitcoins litecoins and ethercoins easy and secure available anywhere on your phone (mobile) or desktop (web).

4470 Chamblee Dunwoody Road, Dunwoody, USA
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