

At the heart of the events sector, Bunch’m is the app that simplifies the organization of your events. The organization of an event is an extremely time-consuming task that can quickly become a nightmare : the host needs to collect information about his guests to be able to organize himself, after a long and difficult gathering, the information is not synthetized and guests can’t access it which prevents them from being independent. Bunch’m is the simple and easy solution which resolves these problems.Bunch'm will make the link between the organizer (you?) and guests (or you!) and gather all the information: (Who has responded? Who must be re-contacted? How many will there be? How many children? Does anyone have allergies?)Modules are in place to connect guests to each other and help them manage their issues (Accommodation, Communal Gift, Carpooling, Activities)And to everyone’s delight, Bunch'm also takes charge of collecting all the photos taken during the event.All the tools you need for organizing contained in a single app: instant messaging, surveys, photo album, form and activities schedule!Guest list in real time including an optional “+1” and children!GUEST GROUPS: create guest groups, and offer them various activities or forms.EXPORT BY WEB LINK: Guest lists, forms and activities list.WEB ACCESS: response to invitation and to formsIF YOUR GUESTS ARE NOT CONNECTED: respond for them from the app, important information will be sent to them via SMS.EVENT EXAMPLE: dinner, party, birthday, weekend, vacation, wedding... Sporting activity, seminar, team buildingALSO SUITABLE FOR PRO: public event, recurring events, limit the number of guests by activities.REMAIN IN CONTACTQuestions about or suggestions for the app?Send an email to Contact@bunchm.comVisit our site at www.bunchm.comThe application requires access to the Internet (wifi or cellular)All your data are stored in France, we do not market your data!

73 Rue de Paris, Saint-Just-en-Chaussée, France
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