Pocket Infusion Calculator


Why should you choose "Pocket Infusion Calculator"?• Top infusion calculator app in iOS and Android. • A simple, accurate, and straightforward infusion calculator.• All of the calculation can be used for gravity drip or IV infusion pump.• You can calculate infusion rate, total volume of infusion, total time of infusion, and medications or drugs infusion.• There are 17 calculation features in this infusion calculator.• You can use all of the features for free and without internet connection."Pocket Infusion Calculator" can be used by health professionals, namely doctor, nurse, and paramedic, to calculate infusion rate of intravenous fluid. "Pocket Infusion Calculator" consists of 17 calculation features to calculate infusion rate, total volume of infusion, and medications or drugs infusion. All of the calculation can be used both for gravity infusion drip or intravenous infusion pump. All of the calculation features can be used for free and without internet connection."Pocket Infusion Calculator" is also can be used to calculate drugs or medications infusion rate. The medication infusion rate also can be applied for gravity infusion drip and intravenous infusion pump. There are 12 drugs doses that can be used in "Pocket Infusion Calculator", namely:- mg/hour.- mg/minute.- mg/kg/hour.- mg/kg/minute.- mcg/hour.- mcg/minute.- mcg/kg/hour.- mcg/kg/minute.- unit/hour.- unit/minute.- unit/kg/hour.- unit/kg/minute.For more info contact us at:line://ti/p/@luz0355ocontact@imedical-apps.comwww.imedical-apps.com

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