Myanmar Yellow Pages


IMEX (Myanmar) Co.,Ltd. is the sole authorised publisher of Myanmar Yellow Pages with "Walking Finger" Logo. Myanmar Yellow Pages® is a free app that helps you find, select and connect with local (Myanmar) businesses and oversea businesses wherever you are in. You can search Myanmar Businesses Listing by Category, City and Classifieds. and then, You can see more information like Myanmar Government Phone Listing, Myanmar Embassy Phone Listing and Myanmar Emergency Phone listing. Moreover, You can advertise your business with this apps. you can see the detail page for advertisement.

Ramanya, Myanmar
  • We found this business and added it to MyArea. Please claim it to gain exclusive control over it, Rank higher on Google and attract local customers from among MyArea users.
Click 'Claim' button to become the owner. It's 100% FREE. No commitments, No payments, No credit card required. As business owner on MyArea you have total exclusive control. You can edit, delete, add new information details, modify location, moderate reviews, add events, comment on posts and control what keywords to be indexed by.
As business owner on MyArea you have total exclusive control. You can edit, delete, add information details, modify location, moderate reviews, add events, comment on posts and control what keywords to be indexed by.