Greek Gods


Greek gods and goddesses are a simple app that will let you to jump into the world of legend. Learn about Zeus, Hera, titans and other myths of ancient Greeks. Zeus, (Jupiter) - the great presiding deity of the universe, the ruler of heaven and earth, was regarded by the Greeks, first, as the god of all aërial phenomena; secondly, as the personification of the laws of nature; thirdly, as lord of state-life; and fourthly, as the father of gods and men.Read this and other legends in Greek gods and goddesses app. Get not only fun, but also valuable knowledge about titans, ancient beings and world creation. In future we will add more ancient creatures, myth heroes and ancient legends.Features:- Font size options- Handpicked collection of Greek gods legends and myths. - Quick sharing feature that enables to share via sms, facebook and other sharing apps.- Nice interface with font size change options, providing eye friendly reading.- low battery consumption.If you like reading you can share your thoughts about Greek gods, legends and myths with us or just say hello!)

Bramscher Straße 206, Osnabrück, Germany
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