BookShots by James Patterson


Introducing BOOKSHOTS from the world’s #1 bestselling writer, James Patterson. BOOKSHOTS are· Lightning quick reads under 150 pages - perfect to read on your smartphone or tablet. · New bestsellers written without any of the boring parts· A revolutionary reading experience—twice the impact of a regular novel in half the timeMore spellbinding than the latest blockbuster movie, BOOKSHOTS will keep you on the edge of your seat from the first page until the shocking finish. Escape the everyday with BOOKSHOTS. Stories at the speed of life.More about BookShots:· New quick-read titles every month in thrillers, romance, and non-fiction.· Start reading any eBook for free: up to 10% of eBook content.· Available in eBook and audiobook.· Featuring the best characters and stories from James Patterson, the record-breaking number one New York Times best-selling author.· Reading experience is synchronized between all your devices. Start on your computer, resume on your phone, finish on your tablet.· Complete story and chapter progress bars so you always know where you are no matter how quick you read.· Personalize your reading experience with a large choice of backgrounds, fonts, text sizes, and night mode.

27-31 Boulevard d'Inkermann, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France
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