Enterprise LEADER: eGuide


A Step-by-Step Guide For CEOs, VPs, Directors, Executives and HR Professionals To Develop High Performance Business Teams Using Enterprise LEADERTools and Methodology to Build High Performance Business Teams in Just 4 x ½ Day Sessions**********************If you're a manager or executive in business looking to drive CHANGE and improve the PERFORMANCE and RESULTS of your team (and/or overall company), then Enterprise LEADER is for you... and the Facilitator's Guide is the place to start.Enterprise LEADER is a team development program which CEOs, VPs, Director and Executives (including HR Professionals and external coaches/consultants) use to build and strengthen their own teams in the workplace, at a time and pace which suits them. In this Facilitator's Guide, you'll discover exactly what Enterprise LEADER is, how and why it works, as well as getting a full step-by-step roadmap to using the program in your own company, department or team.In this short Facilitator's Guide, you'll discover how you can take your team on a unforgettable journey, unlocking the potential of each team member, and instilling in them new thinking, attitudes and behaviours.Enterprise LEADER in 25 words:Change / Performance / Results / Collaboration / Communication / Teamwork / Engagement / Alignment / Motivation / Goals / Focus / Creativity / Entrepreneurship / Self-Belief / Leadership / Morale / Cooperation / Ownership / Accountability / Commercial-Awareness / Sales / Vision / Customers / Competitiveness / Growth

Fernblue Ltd, United Kingdom
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