Endless Massager


This is a massager that continue to vibrate when you turn off the screen (sleep mode).If you exit the app, it will continue to vibration resides in the notification area.You may not have to worry about stopping by the operation mistake again!Please cure the body which got tired. It is safe even if you sleep asleep while massage by the timer function.Vibration pattern changes in the position to tap the screen.Vibration is faster if right.Vibration is strong if top.*It vibrates at the maximum strength of the device's performance. It won't be as strong as you use other apps. If vibration is weak, we recommend purchasing a proper massager or changing to a device with strong vibration.*Depending on the device, the physical sound due to vibration may be loud.*Application developers are not responsible for any direct or indirect losses which have arisen or may arise related to using this application.

重校, Atsugi, Japan
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