Epic ScoreKeeper


Epic Card Game™ is a great draft and sealed deck card game, right out of the box. Epic ScoreKeeper is a way to keep track of health totals for your Epic games, as well as being functional for other games such Star Realms, Cthulhu Realms, and more! It is sleek, functional and easy to use, while not compromising on Epic looks!The app keeps track of health totals for up to eight players (for more than four players we recommend using a tablet).Features:- various starting health totals- easy to use + and - buttons to adjust health totals- long press to reset to starting health total- swipe from left to right to increase health by 5- swipe from right to left to decrease health by 5- die roll function to determine starting player- a gold/silver coin to keep track of gold for each player- Epic art from the game!

319 Edgell Road, Framingham, MA, USA
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