Expo Entrepreneurs PRO


Download Expo Entrepreneurs Pro event app for free! Expo Entrepreneurs PRO is much more than an event.It is a unique gathering where organizations supporting entrepreneurs from all over Quebec can meet around and collaborate. This is why we have provided you with an application that will enrich your experience by allowing you to organize meetings with other participants/exhibitors/panellists, consult and book activities related to the program, and generate relevant contacts! Connect with your peers !Depending on your professional needs, the Swapcard AI suggests participants with common interests. Discover the suggested profiles, chat with them, and schedule appointments at the event in our meeting area! Stay in touch easily !Instantly add contact information by scanning their badges or business cards. The scan is accurate, fast, free and unlimited! In addition, chat rooms will be available to discuss various issues. Plan your agendaDiscover the interactive program of the event, determine the sessions (panels, workshops and round tables) not to be missed and add them to your own program. It will serve as a guide throughout the event and will allow you to interact with the speakers and participants of the sessions in which you are attending.The application includes the features listed below:- Access to the program- Possibility to book places in the program- Networking between participants- Chat Room (public and private)- Lists of participants/exhibitors/experts- Twitter live feed- Site map of the event Don't wait any longer and download the Expo Entrepreneurs Pro application!

6 Rue de Paradis, Paris, France
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As business owner on MyArea you have total exclusive control. You can edit, delete, add information details, modify location, moderate reviews, add events, comment on posts and control what keywords to be indexed by.