Juz Amma (Sura din Coran)


This application contains Juz Amma (Last chapter of the Quran from Surah 78 to Surah 114) and Al-Fatiha. Each sura is displayed with its original verse (in arabic) and also with its translation and transliteration.Reminder:A juz is one of 30 parts of roughly equal length into which the Qur'an is sometimes divided.The juz that is the most commonly memorized is «juz Amma» which is the thirtieth part and which starts from Sura 78 (An-Naba) to Sura 114 (An-Nas), that are most of the short suras of the Quran. Juz Amma is named after the 1st word of the 1st sura (sura 78) in that juz.

1025 rue henri becquerel, Montpellier, France
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