
In realising the massive economic spin-off effects created by the Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions (MICE) activities on the hotel, shopping, transportation, property and services industries, the Group embarked on the construction of the first world-class convention centre in Sabah aptly named, Sabah International Convention Centre (SICC).SICC is poised to be one of the highly specialised venues for conventions, trade shows, banquets and conferences. The conference space will be fully equipped with various high-tech facilities to ensure smooth and efficient running of MICE activities.Its state of the art multi-purpose exhibition and convention facilities, complete with world-class communications network and cutting-edge presentation technology ensures effective dissemination of information.The SICC covers a total area of 15 acres with facilities spanning over five levels with a total built-up area exceeding 75,000 m2. Equipped with over 1,000 parking bays, the SICC comprised of 6,000 m2 exhibition hall, meeting rooms, plaza, 6,000 m2 convention halls, kitchens, VIP Lounge and the 1,200 seating capacity Performance Art Hall.Designed to be ahead of its generation, SICC will be a representation of the best-featured convention centre derived from the world's leading MICE venues.

33 Jalan Merpati, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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