Electric Castle


An exciting line-up made up of world famous acts are confirmed at the Bánffy Castle domain, ready to entertain more than 200.000 festival goers during the five festival days and nights.As always, we’re throwing plenty of surprises in the mix. Such as a new and improved Activities Area, with a variety of fresh things to do during the day, fresh and tasty add-ons to our Food & Beverages options, upgraded EC Sessions with funny people and interesting talks, and so much more.We’ll make sure you are entertained all day, and all night long, at one of Europe’s few genuinely 24-hour-festivals. So go ahead, wander around, explore every inch of the festival site, enjoy every performance and act, discover impressive brand activations and immersive installations in the most complete production to date.Fortech is our long esteemed partner in creating this app as your customizable festival guide.Use it to find your way around the festival grounds, receive updates about the latest news and happenings, create your schedule, so you don’t miss your favorite artists, find your friends or, in some cases, your lost tent.Enjoy #EC7!

106 Bulevardul 21 Decembrie 1989, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
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