German Verbs: conjugation, translation, dictionary


Browse over 23,000 German regular and irregular verbs. Get all tenses and translations for these verbs. Search for translations and verb forms.Details:➕ 23,887 German Verbs 📖 ➕ All tenses including composite ones➕ Searchable 🔍 for forms and translations➕ Highlighting grammatical information➕ Regular and irregular verbs➕ Mark ❤ favorite verbs➕ Overview of grammar and translation while searching➕ Translation: English, Russian (Arabic, Spanish, Turkish and others follow)➕ Remember recently 🕐 viewed verbs➕ Directly show forms via share function➕ Auxiliary verb, irregularities and separability➕ Dark 🌑 and light ☀ theme➕ PDF download of the complete verb tablesSearch lists:➕ Infinitive: separability, reflexivity➕ Basic forms: present, past, subjunctive, participle, auxiliary verb➕ Translation: Englisch, Russian, others followVerb tables:➕ Overview: basic forms, auxiliary verb, separability, irregularities➕ Indicative: present, past, perfect, pluperfect, futur I and II➕ Subjunctive: present, past, perfect, pluperfect, futur I and II➕ Imperative: present➕ Infinitive: present, perfect, with 'zu'➕ Participle: present, perfectThis app brings all the information and benefits of to your phone.

Buchholzer Straße 8, Schlettau, Germany
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