Stroll - Walking Tracker


Tracking your steps and staying healthy could be tiring. Stroll makes it exciting with team competitions. Your team wins by taking more total steps than the competing team. There are plenty of local and global teams you can readily join. You can create your own team and challenge other teams. Stay healthy at work too - your workplace admin could buy group codes for the entire company have team challenges within the company.If your phone has a built-in pedometer (most newer phones have), you could track your steps and distance using the phone. The app works with Fitbit and Google Fit too. No need to keep the app open while you’re walking or running. No Facebook login required to add friends – simply search their screen name and add them to your team. Take a break. Let’s go for a walk. SIMPLE- No login required – create a screen name and you’re good to go.- No need to keep the app open while walking or running.- Works with your Android phone or Fitbit.ELEGANT- No ads.- Clean interface.FRIENDS & FAMILY TO MOTIVATE YOU- Leader board and friendly competition.- Easy to add friends and family – no Facebook login required.FUN - Cheer or taunt friends and team members in chat.Support: support[at]

595 Newport Way NW, WA, USA
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