N-Back Brain Game Classic Pro


Go PRO - WITHOUT ADS : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.haaz.mars.premium.DualNBackV6Train your working memory with 'N-Back Game'!The player is presented with a sequence of stimuli (visual and audio) , and the task consists of indicating when the current stimulus matches the one from 'N' steps earlier in the sequence. The load factor 'N' and numbers of stimuli can be adjusted to make the task more or less difficult.Comes in different audio language :- English- French- German- Russian- Spanish- added : PIANO notesSimple / Dual / Trial N-Back + Forms modesA STATISTICAL tool is provided to monitor daily Evolution.The game is configurable (speed, notifications, level, ...)

593 Avenue du Général Leclerc, Allauch, France
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