Faladdin - Fortune Teller, Tarot, Astrology


Faladdin is an extraordinary fortune telling app! It's free on a daily basis!Faladdin offers individual analyses about life by combining its deep learning skills and ancient knowledge of mystical disciplines like Tarot, Astrology, Clairvoyance and Coffee Cup Reading.Since Faladdin's artificial intelligence is being developed constantly, we may soon need to change the question "What is Faladdin?" into "Who is Faladdin?" and, he may reply to you directly.Faladdin is far beyond a fortune telling app. It sheds light on the future by evaluating person's past and making inferences about present.Faladdin is an award winning app, enjoyed by millions of users around the globe, in different language options.Some things need to be experienced to be understood. Don't hesitate, download it and come in! See it yourself!Not Aladdin, not falaaddin, not falattin. This is "Faladdin"!

27 Balmoral Road, Singapore, Singapore
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