Devote | Study Management


Devote is an all-in-one hub made and refined for high school students to organise your study tasks, track your assessment progress, view your level of productivity and ultimately balance your social and study lifestyle. Features Devote Offers - • Productivity Meter: Track your level of productivity overtime based on your study load and rate of task completion. Develop a clear understanding of how hard you work and how efficient your study patterns are. • Set Study Tasks: Set homework, assignments and other study tasks within a single app. Tasks are automatically organised in different sections to keep your study life organised.• Prioritise Tasks: Don't let important tasks get ignored by optional work. Prioritise tasks with the most value so you don't miss them with all your other workload.• Assessment Progress: Track your assessment progress throughout your course for each subject. View your average for each subject, your total moderated grade, and analyse your mark trends. • Grade Collection: Save marks from previous years or courses and view them whenever you want with graphs to give you greater insight on your past performance.• Daily Motivational Message: Be greeted with a new motivational message every day. Don't let stress take control.• Clean User Interface: All of this crafted within a simple, minimalistic interface.

Boat Harbour Beach, Kurnell
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