Oil Price Forecasts


ABOUT THIS APPThe Crude Oil Pricing Forecast Index (OPF Index) is a remarkably simple tool designed to answer questions about oil price predictions. The OPF Index does all the data aggregation from thousands of sources (for Brent and WTI), qualifies their predictions, ranks their past accuracy and presents a single unified weighted index made up of thousands of predictions from hundreds of forecasters. This resource has proven to be more accurate than any single forecaster in predicting the future price of oil.ABOUT HART ENERGYFor over 40 years, Hart Energy's editors and experts have delivered the oil and gas industry market-leading insights to industry professionals and investors. The Houston-based company produces magazines; online oil and gas news and data services; energy industry conferences (like the DUG™ series); GIS data sets and mapping solutions; and a range of research and consulting services. For more information, visit HartEnergy.com.

1017 Boundary St, TX, USA
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